Change is constant and inevitable.

If you are a man 40 or older, you have entered your declining years. Your most exuberant physicality is behind you, gone, irretrievable.

But, there's no need to panic.

Despite the fact you’re past your prime, you can slow down your steep decline.


Our mission is to have as many men as possible create extraordinary experiences in the second half of their life that are minimally stressful, fulfilling, exuberantly healthy, joyous, life and family-affirming while creating a cherished and coveted legacy.


Survive and Thrive in the Post-COVID World

Your Guide for a Partnership Future eBook

Jed Diamond PhD
Rico Ricketts, Andy Grant, Tom Neher, Tony Novello, William Potter.

2020 has been a year unlike any other. The COVID-19 pandemic sent us all to the corner for a time-out. Life as we knew it was put on hold, and simmering social issues rose to the surface. We all had the opportunity to slow down, go within, and ask essential questions. As the months rolled on, one crucial question was, do I want to get back to normal or create a new normal ?

Survive and Thrive in the Post-COVID World: Your Guide for a Partnership Future is a collection of essays from best-selling author Jed Diamond, PhD written over the course of 2020. There are also contributions from a group of men in his Diamond Mentorship Program.

The culture of domination has been running the show for decades. We now have an opportunity to improve our relationships with each other and with our planet. The post-COVID world needs to be one of partnership if humans are to survive. It is time for collaboration to lead instead of competition. Today is the dawn of partnerism. Only as partners with each other and all of nature can we truly thrive. Kindle Store


Changing the world is possible. We’ve done it before.

Many men have created their most cherished experiences in the second half of their lives by giving birth to long-held dreams and aspirations. In this way, they have found a way to fulfill their date with destiny.


Are you ready to take the first of many steps on the journey of a lifetime?

It won't be easy, as muscles previously dormant will be recruited for action. What is promised, however, is the achievement of an experience once thought impossible.


“To become a person does not necessarily mean to be well adjusted, well adapted, approved of by others. It means to become who you are. We are meant to become more eccentric, more peculiar, more odd. We are not meant just to fit in. We are here to be different. We are here to be the individual.”

James Hollis

Let us embark on a journey of discovery, to search for what you might have thought you lost or could not find — the essence and majesty of You.

I will be the Guide, Doula, Griot or Mentor.

I will be advising, supporting and witnessing your transformational experiences as you give birth to the royal essence of your inner being.


Discover precisely where you are presently on the discomfort scale.

Where do the most painful experiences reside ?
Are you depressed, stressed out, angry ?

Is it a relationship, health or financial issue ?

Take the quiz, take the first step in becoming pain-free.