No, this post is not about tennis nor any sporting event for that matter. This is about health, a most precious asset in the Game of Life.

Although the focus is on men’s health primarily, I firmly believe that it would be helpful for women to imbibe some of this information since it might be addressing, in an indirect way your possible involvement in a scenario that might warrant knowledge, courage, caring and support.

It is an incontrovertible fact that most men seem to have an allergic reaction to anything health-related outside of ”six-packs”, bench-pressing 1,000 lbs. or “looking buff”.

Women historically seem to employ the services of health care professionals extensively, one could even say exceedingly so.

Men on the other hand confess their thinly disguised fear and concern by confusing routine visits to a physician for an “annual check-up” with having an anesthetic-free Root Canal appointment.

One of the components of these physicals is the dreaded rectal probe, where the state of health of the Prostate gland is ascertained digitally.

Why is this important ?

Every man is born with one. The Prostate gland aids in many biological functions that assert both masculinity and procreational viability in the ongoing evolutionary drama.

Loss of function or any hint of pathology in this “area” is viewed as an assault on one’s manhood, self-esteem, pride and power. Given those parameters, it can be well understood why this general area is considered the “Holy of Holies” and trespassing is not permitted.

Problems with the Prostate tend to begin later in life and are statistically confined to middle-aged and older men.

The word Cancer sends vortices of fear and despair through the energetic bodies on whom this dark benediction is bestowed. One’s mortality is automatically placed on trial and the Pandora’s box of collected negative outcomes is released to find a brooding resting place in the mind.

Now there are three categories under which pathology can be classified: 
• Prostatitis, an infection of the gland itself.
• Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy BPH, an increase in the growth of the gland.
• Prostate Cancer.

OK everyone, let's all take a deep breath and slow down.

The automatic tendency is to jump to the worst-case scenario, but this is a good-news piece. The intention is to shine some light on the dark recesses of a topic with which most men and consequently those around them will most probably face as the lustre of youth dims and the constraints of Father time bind more tightly.

But, it isn't necessary to surrender blindly to the high priests of medicine. Becoming an informed consumer is strategically intelligent preventative self-care.

In his book “Invasion of the Prostate Snatchers: Biopsies, Radical Treatment or Loss of Sexual Potency”, co-authored with Ralph H. Blum, Dr. Mark Scholtz M.D., medical director of Prostate Oncology Specialists Inc. noted that in the USA, in a particular survey, of over 50,000 prostate surgeries performed, more than 40,000 were unnecessary.

The dismal tales associated with any type of surgical intervention associated with one’s plumbing floods the mind with thoughts of adult diapers, excruciating pain, impotence and radical deterioration in the quality of life experiences.

But, Dr. Scholtz has also written another book “The 15 Stages of Prostate Cancer”, which most men over 40 years old should read, as well as those who love and care for them.

What to do ?

Where to begin ?

How can one as a mature male who is in his 40’s and feeling healthy continue to stay that way and offset the possibility of any pathological change as father time marches on ?

Inflammation has been implicated in almost every if not all disease events in the body, and most specifically with those that are of a chronic nature.

Many have now dubbed the process INFLAMM-AGING since many of the dreaded and prevalent forms such as Cancer, Cardiovascular challenges, Diabetes and Obesity have inflammation at their base.

Inflammation is necessary as part of a biological function where the body uses this process to self-heal and maintain it's integrity. Employed intermittently, it is a routine and normal part of life. When these systems are turned on but never off, then it progresses from morbidity to a mortality trajectory.

So the best defence is an offence.

INFLAMMATION CONTROL becomes the number one priority as a life long obsession.

This needs to be considered in every aspect of daily life, from morning ’til night, in every activity, especially nutrition.

Without a deep dive, here is a simple but useful formula.

At least once per day have a combination of the following three ingredients:
• Curcumin (Turmeric),
• Frankincense (Boswellia)
• Saw Palmetto

Make sure that they are accompanied by adequate helpings of Essential Fatty Acids (Omega 3’s).

As a baseline, this should keep the inflammatory hounds from running amuck, forming a shield of health generally, but around the precious Prostate specifically.



Check back in next week for more information and revelations on this delicate but important topic in our next post.




