One enduring piece of wisdom reminds us all that ‘an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure’. 

To dismiss this advice is to guarantee unfortunate events that trigger concomitant showers of regret.

We live in a bubble of unending cliches, disposable quotations and snowflake epiphanies, all enticing us to avoid the present while it is giving birth to our future, individually and collectively.

It is axiomatic that men fear doctors visits, particularly those which might involve some deemed invasion of privacy or intrusive procedures. 
A significant segment of society is willing to abide by the slogan ‘if it ain't broke, don’t fix it’ when it applies to health, simultaneously disregarding the bookend advice ‘a stitch in time saves nine’.

This might not be the sexiest topic for a post, but it might be one of the most significant for older men, especially where sexual health or lack of it is concerned.

The Prostate gland functions exclusively in reproductive events by supplying a portion of the liquid in semen and in its muscular activity to enhance ejaculation.

This is significant.
The Prostate gland increases in size with increasing age.
By age 40, it can grow from walnut size to that of an apricot. By age 60, it can further increase to the size of a lemon.

Because the Prostate surrounds the Urethra through which urine flows, any Prostatic growth will act as a tourniquet and inhibit normal function. The short-term impact is increased bathroom visits with further negative health consequences, if left untreated.

There are various reasons for having an infected Prostate often treated with antibiotics as an acute event.

Most men seek relief regarding this gland from Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy BPH. Increased need to pee, inadequate emptying of the bladder, painful urination and occasional embarrassing bathroom accidents are symptoms. Sexual arousal can be affected to include painful ejaculation. 

These symptoms usually occur at middle age, 50 and above. Thankfully the progress is generally slow with a variety of therapeutic solutions available.

Cancer of the Prostate generally garners undivided attention and concern. From a statistical perspective, the prospects are not as dire as other carcinomas, with a much longer life expectancy after diagnosis and treatment.

So, where is the good news in all of this ?
The good news is that the root cause of a host of chronic diseases is Inflammation. This phenomenon is called INFLAMM-AGING by some because a similar cycle of events is triggered in Heart disease, Cancer, Arthritis, Diabetes, Alzheimers, Arteriosclerosis and Prostate disease. Inflammation regulates specific genes leading to an accumulation of products called Cytokines.

In a typical injury, this cycle marshals the cells necessary for healing. They are then recycled. With increasing age, these Cytokines accumulate, leading to chronic Inflammation, aggregation of cells associated with a disease process and accompanied by swelling and pain of the blocked and swollen blood vessels. A vicious circle of events is set in motion.

So, the challenges for Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy BPH are:
• Pain relief
• Reduction or elimination of the swelling of the gland
• Resumption of routine peeing and complete emptying of the bladder
• Resumption of sexual function

From a traditional medical treatment scenario, the choices are Medication or Surgery.
The medicines routinely recommended for the enlarged Prostate have not resulted in enhanced quality of life experiences. Surgery has culminated in many disasters. Studies have shown that the majority of surgeries of the population studied was unnecessary.

What to do ?

For men in their 40’s who are asymptomatic, in good health the preventative route is recommended.

How ?
Keep Inflammation under control. This will be a significant health affirming, anti-ageing protocol.

• Curcumin (Turmeric)
• Essential Fatty Acids (Omega 3’s)
• Frankincense (Boswellia - essential oil)
• Pumpkin Seeds
• Piperine (Black Pepper)
• Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens)

Consume these daily in addition to Trace minerals and Vitamin C.

For men who have swollen, painful experiences, then the protocol as mentioned above will apply, and remember to HYDRATE, plenty of water, especially if you have been on medications for the disease.

Is a potent anti-inflammatory agent.
It blocks the Hormone substances, which cause Pain, Swelling and Inflammation.

Curcumin (Turmeric)
A most powerful anti-inflammatory agent.
Like a Howitzer, it blasts the NF-kB molecule responsible for turning on more than 400 pro-inflammatory genes.

Piperine (Black pepper)
Enhances absorption of Curcumin, hence it's effectiveness when taken together.

Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens)
Aids in the reduction of the swollen Prostate. 

These are recommendations of natural products that help to maintain, improve and enhance enduring health. 
Give it a try. 


Be wise, do the right thing.
For yourself and those you love.




